9月27日,牛津郡NewbridgeMaybush酒吧因发生一起未指明的事件而因警察在场而暂时关闭。 On 27 Sept, Maybush pub in Newbridge, Oxfordshire was temporarily closed due to police presence for an unspecified incident.
9月27日,牛津郡Newbridge的Maybush酒吧关闭,原因是警察因一起未指明的事件而在场。 The Maybush pub in Newbridge, Oxfordshire, was closed on September 27 due to a police presence related to an unspecified incident. 第二天,它重新开放,工作人员澄清,关闭与洪水无关。 It reopened the next day, with staff clarifying that the closure was not linked to flooding. 泰晤士河谷警察证实他们的存在,但没有提供有关这一事件的详情,警察部队在其内部日志中没有发现任何相关资料。 Thames Valley Police confirmed their presence but did not provide details about the incident, and the police force found no relevant information in their internal logs. 该酒吧以爱狗和位于泰晤士河附近闻名。 The pub is known for being dog-friendly and located by the River Thames.