研究发现,预防和筛查已经避免了45年来大多数癌症死亡。 Prevention and screening have averted most cancer deaths over 45 years, study finds.
最近对JAMA肿瘤学的一项研究表明,在过去45年中,预防与筛查从宫颈癌、结肠癌、肺癌和前列腺癌中拯救的生命多于治疗进展。 A recent study in JAMA Oncology shows that prevention and screening have saved more lives from cervical, colon, lung, and prostate cancers than treatment advances over the past 45 years. 然而,由于治疗的改善,乳腺癌拯救了更多的生命。 However, breast cancer saw more lives saved by treatment improvements. 总体而言,在1975年至2020年期间避免的600万癌症死亡中,80%是由于预防和筛查造成的,戒烟大大减少了肺癌死亡。 Overall, 80% of the 6 million cancer deaths averted between 1975 and 2020 were due to prevention and screening, with smoking cessation significantly reducing lung cancer deaths.