供水部门敦促奥克兰人节水,因为2月的需求通常达到高峰。 Watercare urges Aucklanders to conserve water, as February typically sees peak demand.
奥克兰的供水情况稳定, 但警告2月需求通常会达到高峰。 Watercare reports Auckland's water supply is stable but warns demand typically peaks in February. 作为“轻松做”运动的一部分,他们监测天气、水坝水平和用于鼓励养护的用途,目的是降低高峰需求,避免昂贵的升级。 As part of their 'Easy Does It' campaign, they monitor weather, dam levels, and usage to encourage conservation, aiming to lower peak demand to avoid expensive upgrades. 目前每天平均使用七天,每天4.64亿公升。 Current seven-day average use is 464 million liters daily.