强风和雨水增加了新西兰的水文湖储量,减少了Wawaki河各发电站的水力发电需求。 Strong winds and rain increase hydro lake storage in NZ, reducing hydro generation demand at Waitaki River power stations.
强风和强雨提高了新西兰水湖储水量,缓解了梅里迪安的沃塔基河发电站对水力发电的需求。 Strong winds and rain have raised hydro lake storage levels in New Zealand, easing the need for hydro generation at Meridian's Waitaki River power stations. 普卡基湖的储量增加, 马纳普里湖的储量自6月中旬以来已经超过平均水平. Lake Pūkaki's storage increased and Lake Manapōuri's is now above average since mid-June. 梅里迪安的六个风电场每天生产高达9GWh, 超过了他们6个水电站的每日发电总量. Meridian's six wind farms have produced up to 9GWh daily, surpassing the respective daily generation totals of their six power stations along the Waitaki Hydro Scheme.