东部巴勒斯坦的火车出轨点每天看到危险货运,但由于联邦立法停滞,缺乏安全方面的最新情况。 Train derailment site in East Palestine sees daily hazardous shipments, but lacks safety updates due to stalled federal legislation.
在俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦的诺福克南方火车出轨两年后, 危险材料继续通过该镇, 立法者很少采取行动。 Two years after a Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, which released toxic chemicals, hazardous materials continue to pass through the town with little action from lawmakers. 运载危险货物的火车每天至少通过现场10次,但这一信息并不与当地官员或居民分享。 Trains carrying dangerous cargo pass the site at least 10 times daily, but this information isn't shared with local officials or residents. 尽管呼吁改善安全措施和应急准备,但联邦加强铁路安全的立法由于行业反对而停滞不前。 Despite calls for improved safety measures and emergency preparedness, federal legislation to enhance rail safety has stalled due to industry opposition.