计划在金正日生日前后前往朝鲜罗先市的旅行,但日期不确定。 Tours to North Korea's Rason city planned around Kim Jong-il's birthday, but dates are uncertain.
中国旅行社Koryo Tours正接受赴北韩拉松市旅游的预订, A Chinese travel agency, Koryo Tours, is accepting bookings for tours to North Korea's Rason city, with a special tour scheduled to coincide with the late leader Kim Jong-il's birthday on February 12. 参观活动包括参观当地的工厂、市场和Taekwondo展。 The tours include visits to local factories, markets, and a Taekwondo show. 然而,Koryo Tours说,2月、3月和4月的旅游尚未确认,因为他们等待关于边界开放日期的资料。 However, Koryo Tours has stated that the tours for February, March, and April are not yet confirmed, as they await information on the border opening date. 北朝鲜还计划在6月沿东海岸开通一个新的旅游区,卡尔马。 North Korea also plans to open a new tourist zone, Kalma, along the east coast in June.