最高法院下令对涉及Manipur CM煽动族裔暴力的录音带进行法医检查。 Supreme Court orders forensic exam of audio tapes implicating Manipur CM in ethnic violence incitement.
最高法院命令中央法医科学实验室审查泄漏的录音带,据称这些录音带涉及曼尼普尔首席部长N Biren Singh煽动族裔暴力。 The Supreme Court has ordered the Central Forensic Science Laboratory to examine leaked audio tapes that allegedly implicate Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh in inciting ethnic violence. Kuki人权信托组织提交了一份请愿书,请求进行独立调查。 The Kuki Organisation for Human Rights Trust filed a petition requesting an independent investigation. 法院计划审查定于3月24日前提交的法医报告,然后决定是否处理该案件或将案件提交曼尼普尔高等法院。 The court plans to review the forensic report, set to be submitted by March 24, before deciding whether to handle the case or refer it to the Manipur High Court.