最高法院关于1984年反Sikh暴乱案件重新调查的审查报告,突出说明了起诉失败的情况。 Supreme Court reviews report on reinvestigation of 1984 anti-Sikh riots cases, highlighting prosecution failures.
最高法院将审查关于重新调查186个案件进展情况的报告,这些案件涉及1984年发生的反锡克暴乱,造成近3 000人死亡。 The Supreme Court will review a report on the progress of reinvestigating 186 cases related to the 1984 anti-Sikh riots that killed almost 3,000 people. 报告显示,只有8个案件提出上诉,但被驳回。 The report shows that only 8 cases had appeals filed, which were dismissed. BJP发言人RP Singh写信给内政部长,引述了SIT的一份报告,其中强调了差异,并暗示在不起诉被告方面有行政共谋。 BJP spokesperson RP Singh wrote to the Home Minister, citing an SIT report that highlights discrepancies and suggests administrative complicity in failing to prosecute accused individuals.