州农场要求提高22%的利率 以从洛杉矶野火中恢复 10亿美元的成本。 State Farm seeks 22% rate hike to recover from Los Angeles wildfires' billion-dollar costs.
由于最近的洛杉矶野火造成财政紧张, 加利福尼亚州最大的家庭保险公司 要求增加22%的紧急费率。 State Farm, California's largest home insurer, is requesting a 22% emergency rate increase due to the financial strain from the recent Los Angeles wildfires. 承保人已经支付了10亿多美元的索赔要求,并预期支付的数额会大大增加,使其成为该公司历史上最昂贵的灾难。 The insurer has already paid over $1 billion in claims and expects to pay significantly more, making it the costliest disaster in the company's history. 提高利率的目的是帮助国家农场重建其资本和管理风险。 The rate hike aims to help State Farm rebuild its capital and manage risk.