圣路易斯居民在射杀闯入其公寓的闯入者后面临调查。 St. Louis resident faces investigation after fatally shooting an intruder who broke into their apartment.
圣路易斯的凶杀案调查正在进行中 一名居民开枪打死了一名闯入者 他周日下午闯入楼上的公寓 A homicide investigation is underway in St. Louis after a resident fatally shot an intruder who broke into an upstairs apartment Sunday afternoon. 事件发生在Leduc街4800个街区。 The incident occurred in the 4800 block of Leduc Street. 据报告,闯入者从后门进入。 The intruder reportedly gained entry through the back door. 枪手,楼上的居民 在继续调查期间被警方拘留 The shooter, the upstairs resident, is in police custody as the investigation continues.