星期一下午,在堪萨斯市公寓楼发生枪击事件中,有两人丧生。 Two people were killed in a shooting at a Kansas City apartment complex on Monday afternoon.
星期一下午3时30分左右,在堪萨斯市一个公寓楼发生枪击,造成两人死亡。 发现一名男子在现场死亡,一名被送往医院的妇女后来因受伤而死亡。 Two people were killed in a shooting at an apartment complex in Kansas City on Monday around 3:30 p.m. A man was found dead at the scene, and a woman who was transported to the hospital later died from her injuries. 警方正在调查发生在Blue Hills路6000街区的这一事件,并正在寻找任何监控录像或证人信息。 Police are investigating the incident, which occurred in the 6000 block of Blue Hills Road, and are seeking any surveillance footage or witness information. 尚未确定任何嫌疑人。 No suspects have been identified yet.