西切斯特镇居民开枪射杀在其公寓内发现的闯入者;嫌疑人住院。 Resident of West Chester Township shoots intruder found inside their apartment; suspect hospitalized.
西切斯特镇的房主开枪打中了一名闯入者,在房主听到阳台上的噪音后,发现此人在公寓内。 A homeowner in West Chester Township shot an intruder who was found inside their apartment after the homeowner heard noises on the balcony. 闯入者受了危及生命的伤,并被送往医院。 The intruder sustained life-threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital. 西切斯特警察局正在调查这一事件,事件发生于星期日上午3时30分左右。 The West Chester Police Department is investigating the incident, which occurred around 3:30 a.m. on Sunday. 没有关于所涉个人的任何进一步详情已被释放。 No further details on the individuals involved have been released.