苏格兰考虑限制宠物猫来保护野生动物, 引发关于动物福利的辩论。 Scotland considers restricting pet cats to protect wildlife, sparking debate on animal welfare.
苏格兰民族党正在考虑限制宠物猫的拥有权,以保护野生生物,其依据是声称猫对当地鸟类和哺乳动物人口有重大影响的报告。 The Scottish National Party is considering restricting pet cat ownership to protect wildlife, based on a report that claims cats significantly impact local bird and mammal populations. 提议包括在某些地区将猫留在室内,或在野生生物面临风险的地方完全禁止猫。 Proposals include keeping cats indoors in certain areas or banning them altogether where wildlife is at risk. 批评者,包括猫慈善团体,认为这些措施可能损害猫的福利。 Critics, including cat charities, argue these measures could harm cat welfare.