独立议员David O'Byrne提议修改塔斯马尼亚州《家庭暴力法》, 将伤害或威胁动物包括在内。 Independent MP David O'Byrne proposes to amend Tasmania's Family Violence Act to include harm or threats towards animals.
塔斯马尼亚独立议员David O'Byrne提议修订《家庭暴力法》,在家庭暴力的定义中包括对动物的伤害或威胁。 Tasmanian independent MP David O'Byrne proposes to amend the Family Violence Act to include harm or threats towards animals in the definition of family violence. 继澳大利亚其他州发生类似变化之后,与澳大利亚法律改革委员会2010年报告保持一致。 This follows similar changes in other Australian states and aligns with a 2010 Australian Law Reform Commission report. 如果通过,立法将赋予警察更多的保护受害者的权力,并可能导致提供宠物友好的危机住所。 If passed, the legislation would provide police with more powers to protect victims and could lead to pet-friendly crisis accommodations.