新南威尔士州政府拨出6M元用于建造住房,吸引500名保健工作者到农村地区工作。 NSW government allocates $6M to build homes, attracting 500 health workers to rural areas.
新南威尔士州政府已认捐600万美元,用于建造和翻修阿米达莱和其他区域中心的120所住房,以吸引卫生工作者。 The New South Wales government has pledged $6 million to build and renovate up to 120 homes in Armidale and other regional centers to attract health workers. 这一举措是较大规模的2亿010万美元方案的一部分,旨在支持在农村地区招聘和留住500多名保健工作者及其家人。 This initiative, part of a larger $200.1 million program, aims to support the recruitment and retention of over 500 health workers and their families in rural areas. 这笔经费将用于支付新建筑、翻修和购买现有财产的费用。 The funding will cover new constructions, renovations, and purchases of existing properties.