在2019年至2024年期间,NHS信托机构为儿童医疗疏忽索赔支付了3467万英的赔偿金. NHS trust pays £34.67M in damages for child medical negligence claims between 2019 and 2024.
2019年至2024年期间,东苏福克和北埃塞克斯国家保健服务机构信托基金为45项儿童医疗疏忽索赔支付了3 467万英镑的赔偿金,这45项索赔主要由于治疗延误和失败所致。 Between 2019 and 2024, the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Trust paid £34.67 million in damages for 45 child medical negligence claims, mainly due to delays and failures in treatment. 在国家一级,这种失败耗资超过5.27亿英镑。 Nationally, such failures cost over £527 million. Mid and South Essex NHS信托基金的付款数额最高,为1.0331亿英镑。 The Mid and South Essex NHS Trust had the highest payouts at £103.31 million. Tim Leary博士强调了ESNEFT对安全护理和快速索偿解决的承诺。 Dr. Tim Leary emphasized ESNEFT's commitment to safe care and quick claim settlements.