2016年,高等法院因贝尔法斯特神经学家迈克尔·瓦特的疏忽照料判给Martine Norney5万英镑。 High Court awards £50,000 to Martine Norney for negligent care by Belfast neurologist Michael Watt in 2016.
高等法院为Martine Norney从前贝尔法斯特神经学家Michael Watt那里得到的照顾很差,向Martine Norney颁发了50,000英镑。 Martine Norney was awarded £50,000 by the High Court for the poor care she received from former Belfast neurologist Michael Watt. 法院认定Watt和贝尔法斯特卫生和社会关怀信托基金共同对与2016年神经疾病程序有关的疏忽负有责任。 The court found Watt and the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust jointly liable for negligence related to a 2016 procedure for a neurological condition. Watt的护理标准被认为是骇人听闻的,在2018年一位重要的病人被召回之后,他以前被从医疗登记册上除名。 Watt, whose standards of care were deemed appalling, was previously struck off the medical register after a significant patient recall in 2018.