新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲将一名移民安置在自己的家里,这与联邦当局格格不入。 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy defies federal authorities by housing an immigrant at his home.
新泽西州州长Phil Murphy 宣布他在家中安置一名移民, 挑战联邦当局采取行动。 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced he is housing an immigrant at his home, challenging federal authorities to take action. Murphy的州政府限制当地执法部门 与ICE合作, 他敢于联邦官员 试图驱逐个人。 Murphy's state restricts local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE, and he dared federal officials to try and remove the individual. 这一行动是在该区域的ICE业务增加的情况下采取的。 This move comes amid increased ICE operations in the region.