NJ Murphy州长概述了州政府最后讲话中的可负担性、教育和安全计划。 NJ Governor Murphy outlines affordability, education, and safety plans in final State of the State speech.
新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲发表了他最后的州政府咨文,重点是可负担性、教育和公共安全。 New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy delivered his final State of the State address, focusing on affordability, education, and public safety. 他计划提出新的提案,包括禁止在K-12教室使用手机以及扩大K前和全日制幼儿园。 He plans to introduce new proposals, including banning cell phones in K-12 classrooms and expanding pre-K and full-day kindergarten. 参议员共和党领袖Anthony Bucco对政府的进展表示怀疑, Senate Republican Leader Anthony Bucco expressed skepticism about the state's progress, citing concerns over affordability and homelessness. 演讲之后将作出共和党的回应。 The speech will be followed by a Republican response.