Menards的一名雇员昨天深夜在商店停车场被一名同事的车撞死。 A Menards employee was struck and killed by a co-worker's vehicle in the store's parking lot late yesterday evening.
2月2日晚上9点, Burlington一家Menards商店停车场发生致命事故。 A fatal accident occurred in the parking lot of a Menards store in Burlington on February 2 at 9 PM. 一名21岁的雇员在工作会议后从汽车后备箱搬走物品时被一名同事的汽车击中身亡。 A 21-year-old employee was struck and killed by a co-worker's vehicle while removing items from his car trunk after a work meeting. 这名20岁的司机没有受伤,正配合调查,目前没有提出刑事指控。 The 20-year-old driver was uninjured and is cooperating with the investigation, with no criminal charges pursued at this time. 该商店在事件发生期间关闭。 The store was closed during the incident.