里贾纳麦当劳街发生工业事故,造成一人死亡、一人受伤,正在接受里贾纳警方、萨斯喀彻温省验尸官和职业健康与安全部的调查。 Industrial accident on McDonald St, Regina, killed one and injured another, under investigation by Regina Police, Saskatchewan Coroner, and OHS.
周五上午,里贾纳发生一起工业事故,造成一人死亡、一人受伤。 An industrial accident occurred on Friday morning in Regina, resulting in one fatality and one injured individual. 急救人员赶到了现场,当局与里贾纳警察局和萨斯喀彻温省验尸官局合作,将该事件列为工作场所死亡事件。 Emergency crews attended the scene, and authorities classified the incident as a workplace fatality, collaborating with the Regina Police Service and the Saskatchewan Coroner's Service. 调查仍在进行中,当局正在努力查明死者身份并通知其家人。 The investigation is ongoing as authorities work to identify the deceased person and notify their family. 事故原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the accident is still under investigation.