在包括威尔士在内的欧洲,总卡测试一种新的快速、安全的“单击”付款系统。 Mastercard tests a new quick, secure "one-click" payment system in Europe, including Wales.
Mastercard正在几个欧洲地点(包括威尔士长名村庄)测试一个新的“一击”在线付款系统, Mastercard is testing a new "one-click" online payment system in several European locations, including the long-named village in Wales, to make online transactions quicker and more secure. 通过使用"代币化"技术, 替换卡号以随机代币进行每次交易, 保护用户免受骗子和零售商的网络安全威胁. The technology uses "tokenisation," replacing card numbers with random tokens for each transaction, protecting users from scammers and retailers from cybersecurity threats. 这一举措旨在减少在线购物的时间和麻烦。 This initiative aims to reduce the time and hassle involved in online shopping.