万事达卡与美国银行合作,测试在受监管结算网络中对资产进行代币化的共享账本技术。 Mastercard partners with US banks to test shared-ledger tech for tokenizing assets in the Regulated Settlement Network.
万事达卡正在与美国主要银行合作测试一种共享账本技术,用于对商业银行资金、国库券和投资级债务证券等资产进行代币化。 Mastercard is collaborating with major US banks to test a shared-ledger technology for tokenizing assets, including commercial bank money and Treasury and investment-grade debt securities. 受监管结算网络概念验证旨在通过在单一系统上对资产进行标记来简化和加快国际和全系统交易,同时减少错误和欺诈风险。 The Regulated Settlement Network proof-of-concept aims to simplify and speed up international and system-wide transactions while reducing errors and fraud risks by tokenizing assets on a single system.