Joshua Edwards 24岁 正在服刑 罪名是谋杀Michael Kerr 在2022年刺伤钱财和电话 Joshua Edwards, 24, awaits sentencing for murdering Michael Kerr in a 2022 stabbing over money and a phone.
Joshua Edwards, 24岁, 即将被判刑, 因为他在2022年在Nowra的Michael Kerr因一小笔钱和一通电话被致命刺杀时 扮演司机的角色。 Joshua Edwards, 24, is set to be sentenced for his role as the driver in the fatal stabbing of Michael Kerr over a small amount of money and a phone in Nowra in 2022. Kerr的妹妹在情感上作证说她哥哥的死 Kerr's sister testified emotionally about her brother's death. Edwards对谋杀和其他指控认罪,表示悔改并列举了心理健康问题。 Edwards pleaded guilty to murder and other charges, showing remorse and citing mental health issues. 法庭得知Kerr“脆弱无助”, 涉案未成年人稍后会受审。 The court heard that Kerr was "vulnerable and defenceless," and the minors involved will face trial later.