Tyrese Osei-Kofi因谋杀Jamel Boyce被判处无期徒刑,Jamel Boyce于2022年死于2016年的袭击。 Tyrese Osei-Kofi sentenced to life for murdering Jamel Boyce, who died in 2022 from 2016 attack.
25岁的Tyrese Osei-Kofi因在2016年残暴刺杀他的朋友Jamel Boyce被判处终身监禁。 Tyrese Osei-Kofi, 25, has been sentenced to life in prison for the brutal stabbing of his friend Jamel Boyce in 2016. 这次袭击使17岁的Jamel脑部遭受灾难性损伤,导致失明、瘫痪和无法说话。 The attack left 17-year-old Jamel with catastrophic brain damage, resulting in blindness, paralysis, and inability to speak. Jamel于2022年22日22岁死亡。 Jamel died in 2022 at age 22. Osei-Kofi最初因故意伤害而被判处10年徒刑,但后来承认犯有谋杀罪,最低刑期为14年。 Osei-Kofi initially received a 10-year sentence for wounding with intent but later admitted to murder, receiving a minimum 14-year term. Jamel的父母在等待Osei-Kofi入院的八年中表达了他们的深切悲痛。 Jamel's parents expressed their profound grief over the eight-year wait for Osei-Kofi's admission.