印度重新考虑受全球变化和美国政策影响的加密货币规则。 India reconsiders cryptocurrency rules, influenced by global shifts and U.S. policies.
印度正在重新考虑其因全球变化而实行的加密货币条例, India is reconsidering its cryptocurrency regulations due to global changes, following the US's recent crypto-friendly policies. 经济事务秘书Ajay Seth指出, 印度的立场不能被孤立, 因为加密“不相信边界”。 Economic Affairs Secretary Ajay Seth noted that India's stance cannot be isolated as cryptocurrencies "don't believe in borders." 这一审查可能会推迟最初计划于2024年9月发表的关于加密的讨论文件的发布。 This review may delay the release of a discussion paper on cryptocurrencies, initially planned for September 2024. 尽管有严格的条例和高额的贸易税,但印度人继续在加密方面进行投资。 Despite strict regulations and high trading taxes, Indians have continued to invest in cryptocurrencies. RBI也在探索中央银行的数字货币。 The RBI is also exploring a Central Bank Digital Currency.