印度官员敦促谨慎对待加密,强调金融风险和负责任的贷款。 Indian official urges caution on cryptocurrencies, stresses financial risks and responsible lending.
印度金融事务秘书M Nagaraju敦促谨慎处理加密问题,与印度储备银行对金融风险的关切保持一致。 Indian Financial Services Secretary M Nagaraju urges caution on cryptocurrencies, aligning with the Reserve Bank of India's concerns over financial risks. 他还告诫小额融资机构不要在不评估其偿还能力的情况下向新的自助团体贷款。 He also cautions microfinance institutions against lending to new self-help groups without assessing their repayment ability. Nagaraju支持对暗通货币销售的税收收益征税,并强调需要有气候抗御力的基础设施融资。 Nagaraju supports taxing gains from cryptocurrency sales and emphasizes the need for climate-resilient infrastructure finance.