印度拖延了《VDA条例》,寻求国际合作应对加密挑战。 India delays VDA regulations, seeks international collaboration to tackle crypto challenges.
印度政府没有为虚拟数字资产全面监管准则设定时间表,指出需要开展国际合作,防止监管套利。 The Indian government has not set a timeline for comprehensive regulatory guidelines for Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs), citing the need for international collaboration to prevent regulatory arbitrage. VDA现在受《防止洗钱法》和所得税的管辖。 VDAs are now subject to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and income taxes. 政府正在与全球机构磋商,并与20国集团接触,以应对与加密资产有关的风险和挑战。 The government is consulting with global bodies and engaging with the G20 to address risks and challenges related to crypto assets.