前军人Manzoor Ahmad Wagay在查谟和克什米尔的一次恐怖袭击中丧生,家人受伤。 Former serviceman Manzoor Ahmad Wagay was killed, and his family injured in a terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir.
前军人Manzoor Ahmad Wagay在查谟和克什米尔Kulgam区Behibagh地区发生的恐怖袭击中遇害,他的妻子和女儿受伤。 Former serviceman Manzoor Ahmad Wagay was killed, and his wife and daughter were injured in a terrorist attack in the Behibagh area of Kulgam district, Jammu and Kashmir. 攻击者向家人开枪,导致Wagay在医院死亡。 The attackers fired at the family, leading to Wagay's death at the hospital. 安全部队已发起搜索行动,以寻找袭击者。 Security forces have launched a search operation to find the attackers. 官员谴责这次袭击,并向家属表示哀悼。 Officials have condemned the attack and offered condolences to the family.