NHIS前上司Usman Yusuf教授因诈骗被传讯,还押至惩教中心。 Former NHIS boss Prof. Usman Yusuf arraigned over fraud, remanded to correctional center.
NHIS前执行秘书Usman Yusuf教授因被控欺诈,包括贪污和不当授标合同,被尼日利亚的EFCC传讯。 Former NHIS Executive Secretary Prof. Usman Yusuf was arraigned by Nigeria's EFCC over alleged fraud, including embezzlement and awarding contracts improperly. Yusuf对涉及挪用公共资金和欺诈做法的五项指控不认罪。 Yusuf pleaded not guilty to the five charges, which involve misappropriation of public funds and fraudulent practices. 他被还押到Kuje惩教中心,定于2025年2月12日举行保释听证会。 He was remanded to Kuje Correctional Centre, with a bail hearing scheduled for February 12, 2025. 指控源于他在2016至2017年间的任期。 The charges stem from his tenure between 2016 and 2017.