阿布贾上诉法院宣告前首席法官Walter Onnoghen无罪,指控他犯有虚假资产罪。 The Abuja Court of Appeal acquitted former Chief Justice Walter Onnoghen of false asset charges.
阿布贾上诉法院以《行为守则》法庭没有管辖权为由,宣告尼日利亚前首席大法官Walter Onnoghen无罪开释虚假资产申报指控。 The Abuja Court of Appeal has acquitted former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen, of false asset declaration charges, citing a lack of jurisdiction by the Code of Conduct Tribunal. 裁决终结了始于2019年Onnoghen停业的五年法律争议。 The ruling concludes a five-year legal dispute that began with Onnoghen's suspension in 2019. 作为与联邦政府达成和解的一部分,法院下令解冻Onnoghen的银行账户,恢复他以前被没收的资产。 As part of a settlement with the federal government, the court ordered the unfreezing of Onnoghen's bank accounts, restoring his access to previously forfeited assets.