尼日利亚前部长因伪造和滥用60亿美元水电合同而面临审判。 Former Nigerian minister faces trial for forgery and misuse of a $6 billion hydropower contract.
前尼日利亚电力和钢铁部长Olu Agunloye被控伪造、违反总统指令、接受与授予60亿美元的曼比拉水电合同有关的未经授权的满足,在阿布贾被重新提审。 Former Nigerian Minister of Power and Steel, Olu Agunloye, was re-arraigned in Abuja on charges of forgery, disobeying a presidential directive, and accepting unauthorized gratification related to the award of a $6 billion Mambilla hydropower contract. Agunloye被指控在没有适当的预算核准或资金的情况下授予合同。 Agunloye was accused of awarding the contract without proper budgetary approval or funding. 他表示不认罪,审判定于2月24日继续进行。 He pleaded not guilty, and the trial is set to continue on February 24.