前英国士兵Daniel Khalife承认自己靠着一辆食品卡车逃离监狱是有罪的。 Ex-British soldier Daniel Khalife pleaded guilty to escaping prison by clinging to a food truck.
前英国士兵Daniel Khalif, 23岁, 认罪于2023年9月从Wandsworth监狱逃跑, Former British soldier Daniel Khalife, 23, pleaded guilty to escaping from Wandsworth Prison in September 2023 by clinging to a food delivery truck. Khalife仍面临为伊朗进行间谍活动和在军事基地放置假炸弹的指控,他承认逃跑后被转移到一个高度戒备的单位,认为这样做会更安全。 Khalife, who is still facing charges of spying for Iran and planting fake bombs at a military base, admitted to the escape to be transferred to a high-security unit, believing it would be safer. 检察官声称他在2019年至2022年期间收集了敏感信息,但Khalife否认这些指控,说他从未危害国家安全。 Prosecutors claim he collected sensitive information between 2019 and 2022, but Khalife denies these allegations, stating he never harmed national security.