随着AQI改进至286,德里取消了第三阶段空气质量限制,但第一阶段和第二阶段的规则保持不变。 Delhi lifts Stage III air quality restrictions as AQI improves to 286, but Stage I and II rules stay.
由于空气质量改善,空气质量管理委员会于 2 月 3 日取消了德里 NCR 分级响应行动计划的第三阶段,AQI 降至 286。 The Commission for Air Quality Management lifted Stage III of the Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR on February 3 due to improved air quality, with the AQI dropping to 286. 第一阶段和第二阶段的限制措施仍然存在,包括禁止在餐馆用煤和木柴以及有限使用柴油发电机。 Stage I and II restrictions remain in place, including bans on coal and firewood in restaurants and limited use of diesel generators. 有利的天气条件促进了空气质量的改善。 Favorable weather conditions contributed to the air quality improvement. 如果AQI再次超过350,将恢复第三阶段措施。 If AQI surpasses 350 again, Stage III measures will be reinstated.