悉尼的公交车站缺乏基本设施, Sydney's bus stops lack essential amenities amidst well-funded Metro project, prompting calls for upgrades.
悉尼的新地铁系统 因其效率和现代设计 获得了赞誉 但城市的公交站状况仍然很差 Sydney's new metro system has garnered praise for its efficiency and modern design, but the city's bus stops remain in poor condition. 倡导组织 Sweltering Cities 的一项调查发现,与资金充足的 Metro 项目形成鲜明对比,许多公交站缺乏必要的便利设施,例如庇护所、座位和标牌。 A survey by advocacy group Sweltering Cities found that many bus stops lack essential amenities, such as shelter, seating, and signage, in contrast to the well-funded Metro project. 随着气候变化增加极端热量和雨量,更迫切需要有足够的公交车站设施,对儿童和老年人等弱势群体尤其如此。 As climate change increases extreme heat and rain, the need for adequate bus stop facilities becomes more urgent, especially for vulnerable groups like children and the elderly. 升级公交车站对于悉尼的公共交通系统来说将是一个更具成本效益和至关重要的举动。 Upgrading bus stops would be a more cost-effective and crucial move for Sydney's public transport system.