在对San Antonio家的神秘袭击中,妇女手中枪;动机正在调查中。 Woman shot in hand during mysterious attack at her San Antonio home; motive under investigation.
周五下午7时30分左右,在El Paso街附近的San Antonio西城的家中,一名62岁的妇女被射中手部。 A 62-year-old woman was shot in the hand while inside her home on the West Side of San Antonio, near El Paso Street, around 7:30 p.m. Friday. 一名身份不明的袭击者从外面朝房子开枪,然后逃跑。 An unknown assailant fired at the house from outside before fleeing. 该名妇女被带往医院,伤势不致命,警方正在调查袭击的动机。 The woman was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, and police are investigating the motive behind the attack.