一名男子在枪击一名女子后被控侵犯, 他认为这名女子在圣安东尼奥的财产中侵权. Man charged with assault after shooting woman he thought was trespassing on his property in San Antonio.
San Antonio的一位房主在胸口中枪杀了一位30多岁的女士,认为她非法侵占了他的财产。 A San Antonio homeowner shot a woman in her 30s in the chest, believing she was trespassing on his property. 事件发生在星期六上午11时30分左右,地点在布拉德福德大道附近。 The incident occurred around 11:30 a.m. on Saturday near Bradford Avenue. 最初接受盘问时,房主现在被指控犯有严重攻击罪,当时身处危急状态的妇女被送往当地医院。 Initially taken for questioning, the homeowner is now charged with aggravated assault after the woman, who was in critical condition, was transported to a local hospital.