West Midlands 启动「英国之星」的电影旅游运动, West Midlands launches 'Starring GREAT Britain' film tourism campaign, highlighting locations from "Peaky Blinders."
英国西米德兰地区正在发起一场全球电影旅游运动, 名为「大不列颠之星」(Starring Great British), 吸引观光客到标志性拍摄地点, The West Midlands region in England is launching a global film tourism campaign called 'Starring GREAT Britain' to attract visitors to iconic filming locations, such as those seen in "Peaky Blinders." 一份24页的指南重点介绍著名和不太著名的网站,向游客提供餐饮和住宿方面的细节。 A 24-page guide highlights both famous and lesser-known sites, offering tourists details on dining and accommodations. 该活动与即将在伯明翰拍摄的“Peaky Blinders”故事片相吻合,旨在促进当地消费。 The campaign coincides with the upcoming "Peaky Blinders" feature film, filmed in Birmingham, aiming to boost local spending.