北威尔士正在拍摄一部新的“二战盲童”电影,导致地方关闭。 Filming for a new 'Peaky Blinders' WWII film is underway in North Wales, causing local closures.
新的“Peaky Blinders”作品正在北威尔士的特雷弗盆地附近进行拍摄,导致当地水道暂时关闭。 Filming for a new 'Peaky Blinders' production is taking place near Trevor Basin in North Wales, causing temporary closures of local waterways. 当地企业 " 叛逆者龙形设计 " 分享了现场一架直升机和一艘蒸汽动力窄船的图像。 Local business Rebel Dragon Designs shared images showing a helicopter and a steam-powered narrowboat at the site. 虽然没有正式确认,但据信拍摄是为了一部即将在二战期间拍摄的长片,继续Shelby家族的传奇。 While not officially confirmed, the filming is believed to be for an upcoming feature-length film set during World War II, continuing the Shelby family saga. 包括Cillian Murphy, 但还没有公布发行日期。 The film is set to star actors including Cillian Murphy, but a release date has not been announced.