南非警察逮捕了37名嫌疑人,没收了70 000多件价值540万美元的假冒物品。 South African police arrested 37 suspects and seized over 70,000 counterfeit items worth $5.4 million.
2025年1月,南非警察在Limpopo和KwaZulu-Natal逮捕了37名嫌疑人,没收了7万多件价值9 000万兰特的假冒物品。 In January 2025, South African police arrested 37 suspects and seized over 70,000 counterfeit items worth R90 million in Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal. 行动针对手机、药品和服装等货物,旨在保护消费者和合法企业。 The operation targeted goods like cell phones, pharmaceuticals, and clothing, aiming to protect consumers and legitimate businesses. 与此同时,过去三年有20 000多名新警官加入警察部队,帮助逮捕了244 951人在节日期间犯下各种罪行。 Meanwhile, over 20,000 new officers joined the police force in the past three years, helping to arrest 244,951 people for various crimes during the festive season.