查尔斯三世国王哀悼在华府发生的致命坠机事件 造成67名乘客在飞机和直升机上丧生 King Charles III mourns deadly crash in D.C. that killed all 67 aboard plane and helicopter.
查尔斯三世国王对在华盛顿特区发生的致命的中空碰撞深表悲痛和震惊,这次碰撞造成美国航空公司一架飞机和一架军用直升机上所有67人丧生。 King Charles III expressed deep sadness and shock over a deadly mid-air collision in Washington D.C., which killed all 67 people on board an American Airlines plane and a military helicopter. 飞机降落时坠机,搜救人员从波托马克河找到了41具尸体。 The crash occurred as the plane was landing, and search crews have recovered 41 bodies from the Potomac River. 原因仍在调查之中,官员们正在审查飞机黑盒中的数据。 The cause remains under investigation, with officials examining data from the aircraft's black boxes. 查尔斯国王向受害者家属表示哀悼,并赞扬应急反应人员。 King Charles offered condolences to the families of the victims and praised the emergency responders.