俾路支领导人谴责巴基斯坦俾路支斯坦的国家压迫和资源开采。 Baloch leader condemns state oppression and resource exploitation in Pakistan's Balochistan.
在巴基斯坦达尔班丁(Dalbandin)的俾路支种族灭绝纪念日, 领袖Mahrang Baloch强调俾路支族群的苦难, At the Baloch Genocide Remembrance Day in Dalbandin, Pakistan, leader Mahrang Baloch highlighted the Baloch community's suffering and condemned state oppression. 她批评将俾路支省的资源用于其他地区而当地人则面临贫穷和暴力。 She criticized the use of Balochistan's resources for other areas while locals face poverty and violence. Baloch敦促政府团结一致,抵制与政府的合作,强调维护Baloch身份。 Baloch urged unity and resisting collaboration with the government, emphasizing the preservation of Baloch identity.