天气预报的准确性大大提高,利用先进的技术挽救了生命。 Weather prediction accuracy has greatly improved, saving lives with advanced technology.
得益于先进的技术和数据分析,天气预报的准确性得到了显著提高。 Weather prediction accuracy has significantly improved, thanks to advanced technology and data analysis. 新的多普勒雷达系统和卫星图像使气象学家能够更精确地预测飓风和龙卷风等恶劣天气事件,而且通常提前几天预测。 New Doppler radar systems and satellite imagery allow meteorologists to predict severe weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes with greater precision, often days in advance. 这种改进通过让人们有更多时间准备和必要时疏散来挽救生命并减少财产损失。 This improvement saves lives and reduces property damage by giving people more time to prepare and evacuate if necessary.