根据北龙卷风项目,加拿大龙卷风警报准确度为23-35%,这促使加拿大环境部考虑新的改进模式和系统。 2019-2022 Canadian tornado warning accuracy was 23-35% according to the Northern Tornadoes Project, prompting Environment Canada to consider new models and systems for improvement.
加拿大龙卷风预测准确性需要改进,根据西部大学北部龙卷风项目,只有23-35%的龙卷风在2019-2022年期间发出警告。 Canada's tornado prediction accuracy needs improvement, with only 23-35% of tornadoes preceded by warnings between 2019-2022, according to the Northern Tornadoes Project at Western University. 研究人员建议改进对预报人员的培训,以迅速评估不可预测的天气模式,更好地利用雷达和卫星数据,增加对探测设备和气象学培训的投资。 Researchers suggest improved training for forecasters to swiftly assess unpredictable weather patterns, better use of radar and satellite data, and increased investment in detection equipment and meteorologist training. 加拿大环境部计划测试美国龙卷风预测模型,引入色标警报系统,使用更灵活的多边形区域进行警报,以提高准确性。 Environment Canada plans to test a US tornado-predicting model, introduce a color-coded alert system, and use more flexible polygon zones for alerts to improve accuracy.