Yancey县警告居民, 在Hurricane Helene之后, 假扮为志愿者的骗子艺术家。 Yancey County warns residents about con artists posing as volunteers post-Hurricane Helene.
Yancey县NC警告居民警惕海伦飓风后假扮志愿者的骗子。 Yancey County, NC, warns residents to beware of con artists posing as volunteers after Hurricane Helene. Shane Hilliard警长敦促只从受信任的组织和教会寻求帮助,因为一些有欺骗和毒品指控史的欺诈者已经被捕。 Sheriff Shane Hilliard urges seeking help only from trusted organizations and churches, as several fraudsters, with history of deceit and drug charges, have been arrested. 建议居民向警长办公室报告可疑人员。 Residents are advised to report suspicious individuals to the Sheriff's Office.