飓风海伦娜对NC和GA的农村社区产生了影响,将恢复重点转移到政治之上。 Hurricane Helene impacts rural communities in NC and GA, shifting recovery focus over politics.
飓风海伦严重影响了北卡罗来纳州和佐治亚州的农村社区,迫使居民优先考虑恢复而不是政治问题。 Hurricane Helene has severely impacted rural communities in North Carolina and Georgia, forcing residents to prioritize recovery over political concerns. 在瓦图加县,布拉德·法林顿等当地人集中力量帮助有需要的人,收集用品,支持重建工作。 In Watauga County, locals like Brad Farrington are focused on helping those in need, gathering supplies and support for rebuilding efforts. 在他们应对风暴后果时, 正在进行的总统竞选后退了一步, 突显了社区应变能力的迫切需要。 As they cope with the storm's aftermath, the ongoing presidential race has taken a backseat, highlighting the urgent need for community resilience.