布里斯班的抗议者集会, 为了拯救维多利亚公园成为2032年奥运会的奥运会场地. Protesters in Brisbane rally to save Victoria Park from becoming an Olympic stadium site for the 2032 Games.
数以百计的抗议者聚集在布里斯班维多利亚公园反对可能为2032年运动会建造奥林匹克体育场, Hundreds of protesters gathered in Brisbane's Victoria Park to oppose the potential construction of an Olympic stadium for the 2032 Games, aiming to preserve the park as public green space. 组织者列举了悉尼、伦敦和巴黎的例子,它们没有在其公园建造体育场。 Organizers cited examples from Sydney, London, and Paris, which did not build stadiums in their parks. 高知名度的竞选人员计划使用法律方法来拖延和阻碍批准。 High-profile campaigners plan to use legal methods to delay and obstruct approval.