昆士兰州州长拒绝斥资 34 亿美元的体育场馆,选择 QEII 斥资 16 亿美元为布里斯班 2032 年奥运会进行翻修。 Queensland Premier rejects $3.4bn stadium, opts for $1.6bn QEII refurbishment for Brisbane 2032 Olympics.
昆士兰州州长史蒂文·迈尔斯 (Steven Miles) 拒绝了作为布里斯班 2032 年奥运会计划的一部分建造耗资 34 亿美元的体育场的建议。 Queensland Premier Steven Miles has rejected a recommendation to build a $3.4 billion stadium as part of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic plans. 由前布里斯班市长格雷厄姆·奎克(Graham Quirk)领导的审查建议在布里斯班内城区的维多利亚公园建造一个新的 55,000 个座位的体育场。 The review, led by former Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk, suggested a new 55,000-seat stadium be constructed at Victoria Park in inner-Brisbane. 相反,迈尔斯选择斥资 16 亿美元翻新位于内森 (Nathan) 的旧 QEII 体育场,该体育场将为奥运会提供 14,000 个座位。 Miles instead opted for a $1.6 billion refurbishment of the old QEII Stadium at Nathan, which will provide 14,000 seats for the Olympic Games.