圣保罗的抗议者以环境关切为由,停止了砍伐树木的基础设施项目。 Protesters in São Paulo halt tree-cutting infrastructure projects, citing environmental concerns.
圣保罗的抗议者反对削减数千棵树的基础设施项目, Protesters in São Paulo are opposing infrastructure projects that would cut down thousands of trees, arguing environmental harm. 国家检察官停止了一个隧道项目,立法者暂停了垃圾填埋场的扩大,两者都计划砍掉数千棵树。 State prosecutors halted a tunnel project, and lawmakers suspended a landfill expansion, both planned to cut thousands of trees. 市政府计划对这些裁决提出上诉,声称填埋场将减少废物,增加回收,并需要隧道来改善交通。 The city plans to appeal these rulings, claiming the landfill will reduce waste and increase recycling, and that the tunnel is needed to improve traffic.