一辆小货车与内布拉斯加81号公路上的一辆半卡车相撞,使小货车司机重伤。 A minivan collided with a semi-truck on Highway 81 in Nebraska, seriously injuring the minivan driver.
周五早上,内布拉斯加州 McCool Junction 以南的 81 号高速公路上发生了一起严重车祸,涉及一辆小型货车和一辆半挂卡车。 A serious crash occurred Friday morning on Highway 81 south of McCool Junction, Nebraska, involving a minivan and a semi-truck. 来自内布拉斯加州中部的Minivan司机在试图避免碰撞的半卡车前被拉出来后严重受伤。 The minivan driver, from central Nebraska, was seriously injured after pulling out in front of the semi-truck, which tried to avoid the collision. 公路被关闭了30分钟来清理。 The highway was closed for 30 minutes for cleanup. 约克县警察局和当地消防部门对现场作出了反应。 The York County Sheriff's Office and local fire departments responded to the scene. 这名小货车司机被带往约克总医院,伤势危及生命。 The minivan driver was taken to York General Hospital with life-threatening injuries.